Price Gilbert 1280 - Scholars Event Theater (Georgia Tech Library Event Spaces) Capacity: 70
Location: Price Gilbert Memorial Library
Floor level: first
Room number: 1280
Capacities by set up:
Theater: 70
Classroom: 55
Who can reserve this room: Full-time Georgia Tech Faculty & Staff
Technology in the space: computer & podium in room, podium attached microphone, 2 handheld microphones, 4 lavalier microphones, projector, laptop connection, wifi video, confidence monitor, speakers, HD cameras
If you have additional equipment needs, please check out our Gadgets - Equipment Lending service.
Space Use:
The Scholars Event Theater is reservable for scholarly public-facing events hosted by Georgia Tech
In scope: author talks, film screenings, panel discussions, symposia
Out of scope: events that charge admission, receptions, parties, job talks (exceptions: dean & chair positions), meetings, retreats
Catering: Event hosts must follow the Georgia Tech Catering Providers Policy. There are two six-foot tables in the back of the room for catering. All events with food will be required to rent trashcans from Georgia Tech Custodial Services.
Booking Considerations:
- Users will get access to the space at the booking start time and lose access at the end of the booking, so remember to include set up and breakdown time in your request.
- Second Floor Presidents Lounge breakout rooms are reservable upon request. These rooms are 2202, 2216, and 2217.
- Approved events are required to book a run through at least 2 weeks before their event.
- Requests for space that involve non-student minors require written pre-approval, or exemption from Youth Programs Compliance prior to reservation confirmation. No request involving non-student minors will be confirmed until approval or exemption is issued. Register and Learn more here: and
- Events with film screenings are required to comply with copyright law and obtain the public performance rights to the film.